All about Monkeys at Monkspath Junior and Infant School.

Monkeys Logo

As a school we believe it is vitally important to provide high quality extended school services for our families.  Parents/Carers can access the best of childcare, holiday clubs and breakfast and teatime clubs for their children of 3-11 years of age throughout the year.  Monkeys is a “one-stop shop” of childcare and entertainment which provides peace of mind for families and fun and care for children.

We aim to provide a safe, caring environment for the children in which they can grow and develop confidently and happily.

Monkeys Childcare

We provide opportunities for children to make friends whilst learning to share for one another.  We encourage children to communicate their thoughts and feelings to others and provide activities which foster this in children.  Children share the joy of observation, exploration and discovery and are allowed time and space to choose to rest, play alone or play with others.  We provide a high level of care and commitment in a bright, cheerful and stimulating setting.

We hope to develop a shared partnership with parents and carers based on our mutual respect and interest in the child’s development and well-being.

Monkeys Services

Little Chimps for chdilren agred 2-3 years old

Little Chimps Logo

Childcare for 2-3 year olds
Open 50 weeks of the year
Between 7.45am – 6.00 pm

Wraparound Nursery and Childcare for children aged aged 3-4 years old

Monkeys wrapround logo

Breakfast and Teatime clubs for children aged 3-11 years old

Bananas B fast T Time Logo

School Holiday Club for children aged 3-11 years old

Lets go Bananas Hol Club Logo

(Open school half terms, Easter holidays, 4 weeks of summer holidays,
closed for Christmas, Bank Holidays and 2 weeks of summer holidays.)

We provide

Opportunities for children to make friends whilst learning to share and care for one another. We encourage children to communicate their thoughts and feelings to others and provide activities which foster this in children. Children share the joy of observation, exploration and discovery and are allowed time and space to choose to rest, play alone or play with others. We provide a high level of care and commitment in a bright, cheerful and stimulating setting.

We aim

To develop a shared partnership with parents and carers based on our mutual respect and interest of every child’s development and well-being.