Hello and welcome from Monkspath School’s Child and Family Support Workers

Mrs Dean and Mrs Patterson


Links (phone numbers and websites) to a wide range of external support services can be found by scrolling to the bottom of the page.

The emotional health and wellbeing of our children is a high priority at Monkspath School. Life is not perfect and supporting our children and families during the challenging times, from Bush Babies to Year 6, is very important to us.

  • We are here to support you, your child or your family as a whole

  • As Family Support Workers we have received training in supporting victims of Domestic Violence or Abuse, Bereavement, Child Protection and Mental Health. We are both qualified Child and Adolescent Mental Health First Aiders.

  • We work closely with outside agencies so that we can ensure that you receive the right support during your time of need.


  • We are available in school from Monday to Friday.

  • You can email us directly on [email protected] or contact the school office on 0121 705 2686. The office staff will take your name and a telephone number and either Mrs Dean or Mrs Patterson will phone you back.

Support for pupils includes:

  • promoting self-esteem and confidence
  • promoting positive behaviour and positive attitudes to learning
  • promoting good attendance and punctuality


​Support for families includes:

  • providing information and signposting to other services in the local area
  • liasing with a range of external services such Early Help, Solar (mental health support) and Social Care
  • attendance, punctuality and support at school 
  • advice and support in promoting positive behaviour at home

Family support within Monkspath School works under the umbrella of our normal school policies covering GDPR, confidentiality and safeguarding.

Please click on the following link to read about the work of our Pastoral Team: Pastoral Support Leaflet


School Kindness Pantry (easily accessible and no judgement made)


Monkspath J & I School are proud to be working with ‘Be Kind’.

Be Kind aims to improve the lives of those in need and less fortunate by providing kindness.

Be Kind and Monkspath School have put together a ‘School Pantry’ of essential non-perishable goods to support families who are finding it difficult to maintain the weekly grocery shop due to the rising cost of living.

In the pantry you may find some items listed below.

  • Cereal, coffee, teabags, soup, rice, Pasta, tinned items, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shower gel, cartons of long-life milk, biscuits

To arrange access to the School Pantry, please contact Mrs Dean and Mrs Patterson


School Textile Recycling

We have a bright yellow textile recycling box which has been placed near the main entrance to the school. You are able to recycle a wide range of textiles in the box including clothes, shoes, handbags, belts, curtains, towels, pillows etc. The box is emptied regularly and the recycling company (www.ragbox.org) pay a fee, which will be sent directly to ‘Be Kind’ to help fund our food pantry. Rag Box are a member of the textile recycling association (https://www.textile-recycling.org.uk/).


Useful Websites & Helplines

Solihull Family Hubs (Apple or Android app also available)

My Solihull Map

Solihull Here2Help

Family Support Services

  • Birmingham Solihull Women's Aid
  • Safeguarding children and young people
  • Childline
  • Kooth  commissioned by the NHS, Local Authorities, charities and businesses to provide online anonymous and personalised mental health support for Children and Young People
  • Roshni (forced marriage and honour based abuse helpline)
  • Muslim Women's Helpline
  • Parentwise Campaign - The new parentwise campaign helps parents to find information and guidance and also where they can get help and support if they are worried about their children for any reason. 
  • ‘My Family Coach’, is a free to register website which provides advice and support for a wide range of parenting topics (from the youngest children to older teenagers) such as friendships, screen time, school life, healthy living, communication and mental wellbeing amongst other areas. You are able to sign up for access at www.myfamilycoach.com

Solihull Parents’ Network

Solihull Local Authority have a  Solihull Parents Network that provides information on local events and services of interest to all families. 

The Parents’ Network also publishes a regular bulletin of events in the area, which is available from the main Parents’ Network page.

For more information please contact the Family Information Service by phone: 0800 389 8667 or by email: [email protected].

If you are interested in receiving information about upcoming events, please complete the application form on the page.

Mental Health Services

When children's mental health needs more direct support from a professional we can refer to the likes of Solar

Below are links to a useful video and websites aimed at Primary school aged children regarding emotional health and well-being. 

Looking after your mental and emotional health (children)

Wellbeing tips for Young People

The website links include self-help videos for young people with all sorts of tips on exercise, sleep, worry and how to take care on social media as well as advice and sources of support.

Oasis Mental Health Support 

Bereavement Services

Losing someone is one of the hardest things to face but it isn’t something that you have to tackle alone.

Solihull Bereavmemnt Counselling Service

Community Bereavement Service - Birmingham St Mary's Hospice

Edward's Trust

Winston's Wish


Useful contact numbers and websites

Family Information Service- 0800-389-8667 or 0121-704-6008

Children’s Services- 0121-788-4300 or 0121-605-6060

Crisis Hotline Homeless- 0121-348-7950 or 0121-717-1515

Crisis Hotline Personal- 0121-507-0707

Citizen’s Advice Line- 0300-330-9019

Solihull Library- 0121-788-4380

Women’s Aid- 0808-800-0028/ 07891492327

Solihull Mental Health out of hours- 0121-301-0000

Solihull Housing- 0121-717-1515

Health Visitors- 0121 726 6755 or 0121 726 6756

National Domestic Violence Helpline – 24hour free phone- 0808 2000 247

Solar- 0121-301-2750

Solihull Admissions- 0121-704-6693

Solihull MIND- 0121-742-4941

SEND Team- 0121-704-6690

Debt Advice- 0121-717-1515

School Nurse Team- 0121 726 6754